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2020-02-15   来源:江苏成考信息网    点击:



1. Tom to Chinese food now

A. is used B. used to

C. is using D. uses

2. The river by two feet after the heavy rain.

A. rise B. rose

C. raise D. raised

3. We will speak to her about it .

A. sometimes

B. sometime

C. some times

D. some time

4. “Did you my English book yesterday?"

“No, I didn’t. Did you it to Jane?”

A. borrow …borrow

B. borrow…lend

C. lend…lend

D. lend…borrow

5. I like to others playing basketball.

A. watch B. see

C. look D. notice

6. It’s two years since he our club.

A. took part in B. entered for

C. joined D. attend

7. I didn’t hear what he at the meeting.

A. spoke B. told

C. talked D. said

8. I a lot more time in writing English than before.

A. spend B. cost

C. take D. put

9. It will take seven days for the box of books to Beijing.

A. got to B. arrive

C. reach D. go

10. He a brown jacket that day.

A. was putting on

B. dressed in

C. was wearing

D. was having

11. I don’t know what to do next, and she doesn’t, .

A. either B. too

C. also D. as well

12. Nothing can make me it is a story.

A. to believe…real

B. want…true

C. to believe…true

D. believe…real

13. The Chinese people first paper in the world.

A. invented B. discovered

C. made D. did

14. Take this empty box away and me a full one.

A. take B. carry

C. bring D. give

15. You may this book a little longer if you can’t finish it in time.

A. take B. borrow

C. lend D. keep

16. Will you please try to for me what time that train arrives?

A. find B. find out

C. discover D. ask

17. He me that his father had left for Beijing two days before.

A. said B. spoke

C. told D. talked

18. He quietly and a low voice calling from the street “help, help”.

A. listened…heard

B. heard…listened

C. listened to…heard

D. heard…listened to

19. I ten yuan for this book.

A. spent B. bought

C. cost D. paid

20. Edison his vegetables what he needed in his chemistry lab.

A. sold…bought B. bought…sold

C. bought…to sell D. sold…to buy

21. The girl me if her composition was well done.

A. answered B. said to

C. asked D. told

22. As he was still hungry, he started to something to eat.

A. find B. find out

C. look for D. look

23. Robots can’t completely humans though they are very clever.

A. take the place of

B. take place

C. instead

D. instead of

24. Knock at the door, before you the room.

A. enter into B. come in

C. go to D. enter

25. You look sleepy. You’d better .

A. go to bed B. be asleep

C. sleep D. go to sleep

26. When did you from Beijing tomorrow?

A. leave B. begin

C. start D. leave for

27. I have English book but he has two English books.

A. one B. a C. an D./

28. She a present from him, but did not it.

A. accepted…receive

B. received…accept

C. got…receive

D. received…get

29. We have week’s holiday next week.

A. an all B. a all

C. a whole D. an whole

30. There are no trees in this poor area.

A. hardly B. nearly

C. mostly D. almost


1-5 ABBBA 6-10 CDACC 11-15 ADACD

16-20 BCADD 21-25 CCADA 26-30 CABCD



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上一篇: 2020年江苏成人高考高起本《英语》模拟试题13






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